General Guidelines for Manuscript Submissions
- Manuscripts are organized with the following: Title, Author(s), Author’s position and official address, Email address, Abstract, Key words, Introduction, Methodology, Results, Discussion, Acknowledgement, Literature Cited
- In-text citations should be in the name and year system, e.g. Molina (2011), Romero et al. (2011).
- Citations should be typed in alphabetical order using the prescribed format. Do not cite unpublished work. Use standard abbreviations as listed in the most recent edition of the Council of Biology Editor’s Style Manual, Scientific Style and Format Manual for Authors, Editors, and Publishers. When citing online articles, include the date of retrieval and the Uniform Resource Locator (URL).
- Figures to be, Tables and Figures should be numbered consecutively, and each typed on a separate page. They must have descriptive headings and should be understandable without reference to text. Pages containing tables should follow literature cited and should be numbered accordingly.
- Photographs should be sharp and have a minimum of 300 dpi. Graphs must be pasted as Excel files to allow editing.
- Articles published are not paid for, but authors foot the bill for reprints**.
Compliance with COPE
We affirm our journal’s strict adherence to the ethical guidelines established by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), guaranteeing the utmost integrity, credibility, and responsible research practices in all our published content.